Start Your Solar Futures

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Solar energy saves lives

Save lives by choosing solar energy. Fossil fuel pollution is burning our planet. Linked to 1 in 5 deaths worldwide. Solar panel manufacturing is ten times better for the environment than dirty energy is. We offset the carbon footprint for every solar panel we install, ensuring they are carbon neutral on day one. The faster we take action, the more carbon emissions we can lower.

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Home investment

Solar is a profitable and sustainable investment for your home.

The decision to go solar is a serious, long-term investment that pays off big time. Solar adds about $15,000 in equity to your home’s value, and average rooftop solar customers save $26,000 on electricity costs over 25 years. We helped one customer save over $264,000 over the next 25 years!

Huge savings

Save up for an emergency, or for an emergency vacation

You need money to get out of town quickly. We can help. We know climate change threatens our homes and communities. Unfortunately, solar panel installation can only do so much. We can't protect you from everything. But we can save you enough money to use in an emergency. Or you can take your family to destress someplace with Mimosas with that money instead.


Beat the heat, and warm your feet. Lower energy bills.

Rooftop solar panel installation is a great way to invest in your home's long-term energy efficiency. We install energy-efficient rooftop solar panel systems designed to provide you with cost-efficient backup power during extreme weather events. Whether air conditioning units strain the power grid, or a blizzard does, we ensure backup power with home battery systems.

Our Process

All we need from you is a recent utility bill.

  • We'll give you a quick call to ensure your roof is an ideal fit
  • Next we set an appointment for a followup presentation
  • We'll create several system configuration proposals and present on Zoom
  • We help you choose the best option for your needs
Family looking at rooftop solar plan
Couple With Rooftop Solar

Working together, we'll design an energy efficient rooftop solar system.

  • Cost effective cash flow
  • Optimized rooftop solar panel mounting and installation
  • Batteries, new roofs, and home EV charging stations
  • You choose the options for your fully customized system

Add $15,000 To Your Homes Re-Sale Value

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Green Energy

Every household that installs solar will help stabilize our grid

​​The future of clean energy is distributed and decentralized microgrid technology. Eligible households can become a part of national and regional microgrid infrastructure by getting solar installed on the roof. Your home can become infrastructure and help protect grid stability. You can refer your neighbors. We'll give you money if we can help them too.

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Clean Environment

Switching to rooftop solar means cleaner air and drinking water.

Solar energy is more efficient and environmentally friendly. Solar manufacturing processes use less water and help conserve. Once installed, the only water you may need for your solar system is if you clean it. Rain usually takes care of that! The less water we use, the better. This is an easy switch to make.

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